How is study time tracked in MindPlay?

Time is calculated from login to log out; however, a student must have completed an “answer” or entry (clicked next) for the time to be calculated. If the student is in the middle of an activity or a test activity and does not complete it before exiting – the time will not be recorded (i.e. natural fluency test, expected fluency test must be completed).  Only the time for a completed activity (ENTER, click NEXT) is recorded.
If a student exits through the browser and not through the program exit button, the time will automatically stop recording after 3 minutes. Only the time for the last completed activity will be calculated.
 If a student “walks away“ and does not log out, the student will be automatically logged out after 20 minutes and only the time for the last completed activity will be calculated.

The MindPlay usage data is aggregated into the Study Time report in Essential Education.

Learn how to run the Study Time report.