How do I start a lesson?

When you get logged in your first time and want to start studying, follow these steps to determine your learning plan and begin studying.

Getting your account set up with a learning plan:

  1. Click on the Courses tab
  2. Your Dashboard will open to show you all of the courses you have access to.
  3. Click on any of the course names (examples: GED Academy or Computer Essentials) you want to study or click on a Course Group to select a course.
  4. After you select a course, the welcome video will start playing automatically.
  5. After you’ve watched the video click the Get Started button.
  6. Type the number of hours (example: 12) you think you want t o study each week in the box.
  7. Click the Save button.
  8. Click on a subject (example: Math, Science) you want to start studying.
  9. Create your learning plan by clicking on any button.
  10. Complete the questions and click the Submit button.

After submitting your question, you will automatically go to your HomeRoom. Watch the introduction video and then click the Close button.

Starting a lesson:

  1. Click the Start Lesson button in the Learning Plan widget.
  2. Click the Start button to enter the lesson.
  3. Follow the lesson and answer the questions

If you want to return to a lesson in a course you previously left, learn how to return to a course to pick back up where you left off.