Which lessons should I review?

Many tools are available in the Review tab for you to use throughout the study process! The Review tab is located in your HomeRoom, to the right of the Learning Plan.

Current Review

When you take a timed practice test, the lessons marked for review will be accessible in the Review tab. These lessons will cover the specific topics you should focus on to increase your score on the next timed practice test. Click on the Retake button to review the lesson.

Click on the Retake button to review the lesson

Recommended Workbook Review

Workbook page numbers will be listed based on the recommended topics for review. While the workbooks are optional, they are beneficial if you need extra practice.

Workbook page numbers are listed based on the recommended topics for review

Choose a Lesson

You can repeat the lessons as many times as needed! Click “Choose a Lesson” and select the unit you want to review.

Click “Choose a Lesson” and select the unit you want to review

From there, you will see a list of lessons with the summary. You can choose which lesson you want to repeat by clicking on the blue title.

choose which lesson you want to repeat by clicking on the blue title

Reviewing the lessons will help with long-term memory, and you will go into the test with confidence!