How can I change my study time goal?

To change your study time goal, follow these steps:

1. Locate the Study Time box.

  1. Desktop: Go to the bottom right corner of your HomeRoom
  2. Mobile: In your HomeRoom, scroll down under the Mastery Box

2. Click the blue button that says “UPDATE YOUR STUDY TIME GOAL.”

Click the blue button that says “UPDATE YOUR STUDY TIME GOAL.”

3. Type in the number of hours you want to set as your weekly goal.

Type in the number of hours you want to set as your weekly goal.

4. Click the blue “Save Goal” button.

Click the blue “Save Goal” button.

Using the Study Time box is a great way to keep track of your study goals! When you meet your daily goal, an orange horizontal line will appear in your Study Time box. The “Daily Goal” is the amount of time that you should study each day. This study time will add up and help you meet your weekly study goal.

When you meet your daily goal, an orange horizontal line will appear in your Study Time box

You can update your Study Time box as many times as needed to fit your schedule. Be sure to set achievable goals!